Shifty Space Mac OS

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On Windows, non-breaking space & hyphen is 'easy'. Use:
But on a Mac, the Mac BU just likes to be annoying apparently because they chose to be inconsistent for no apparent reason. Took 10 minutes to find anything on it via Googlefu. So here it is for posterity in one place:
What is a non-breaking space?
- It's a trick to keep words and numbers together at the end of the line, to prevent the words or number from splitting between two lines.
So for example, if you are near the end of a line and type 'Mr. Smith', you could end up with 'Mr.' on one line, and 'Smith' on the next. By inserting a special non-breaking space between 'Mr.' and 'Smith', the whole thing stays together on moves to the second line altogether. It's useful for keeping names, phone numbers and compound words together.

  1. Shifty Space Mac Os X
  2. Shifty Space Mac Os Catalina

Insert non-breaking spaces | 8 comments | Create New Account

You can use Mac Spaces to keep your programs and windows organized in one dedicated location. Then you can use a few key moves to navigate your Mac Spaces: To view all your spaces at once, press the F8 key on your keyboard. Just click on a space to enter. Toilet paper dating simulator mac os.

Cmd ⌘ Shift ⇧ 4 + Space behaves unexpectedly. For example, when I right-click on Chrome, the captured window does not include the right-click UI. What exactly determines a unit in Cmd ⌘ Shift ⇧ 4 + Space? How exactly does Cmd ⌘ Shift ⇧ 4 + Space work? (Mac v10.12.5 here, though focused on generality.). Cmd ⌘ Shift ⇧ 4 + Space behaves unexpectedly. For example, when I right-click on Chrome, the captured window does not include the right-click UI. What exactly determines a unit in Cmd ⌘ Shift ⇧ 4 + Space? How exactly does Cmd ⌘ Shift ⇧ 4 + Space work? (Mac v10.12.5 here, though focused on generality.). How to clear space on Mac quickly. There are lots of ideas below for freeing up disk space below, but if you are in a hurry and you don't need a lot of space, or if you aren't too bothered about. It appears when the hard disk is left with a little or no space. You must be wondering how this affects Mac. Well, insufficient disk space Mac results in the slow and unstable performance of your operating system. It can even prevent any application from launching or work properly.

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The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.

That's been around as long as I can remember, I think in the pre-OS X days as well. I can only test it in Classic right now, but yes, it works there.

Yes, it was already there before Mac OS X, and with international keyboard layouts as well.

Shifty Space Mac Os X

I'm not sure how far back this goes, … Daily routine mac os. Progress game mac os.

Shifty Space Mac OS

It goes back to System 1.0.

In MS-Word (only) it is CMD-SHIFT- to create a non-breaking hyphen.

Non breaking hyphen us unicode u2011 - I'm not sure if it has a normal keyboard way of entering it, but if you choose the 'Unicode Hex Input' input method, you can do opt+2011 to enter it.
A bit clumsy though.
~/.sig: not found

Woah. I am surprised this isn't in here yet. This has definitely been around since the classic days, maybe even System 1.0 as another commenter suggests.
Option-Space also sometimes lets you type a space character when the spacebar would otherwise do something else, such as selecting the first item in a folder instead of activating Quicklook in the Leopard Finder (I think this hint was posted here). Ditto for selecting playlists in iTunes instead of play/pausing (I don't know if that has been hinted. Fair game if it hasn't).

I'm not sure how far back this goes, but on Leopard at least, pressing Option-Space on the US or US Extended keyboard layouts inserts a non-breaking space (U+00A0) rather than a normal space (U+0020).
This has been the rule on French keyboards since. but it's broken in in Leopard (I never used before TimeMachine and the fact that a big mail database is a Go hog in backups). 3 inserts normal spaces instead of non breaking spaces and it's frustrating. In French you insert non-breaking spaces before '; : ? !' and » and after «. So you get punctuation marks at the beginning of lines and that's not very clean, to say the least.

Shifty Space Mac Os Catalina

In OS X, you can easily create new shortcuts.
Create a file called: ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict
using a plain text editor.
Add a line like:
'^`' = ('insertText:', '‑'); /* nbhy */
This means 'Control-` generates a command to insert a non-breaking hyphen character.
You can also insert a whole word, which is good for words or sequences of words you type often that are long like:
'^M' = ( 'insertText:', 'Massachusetts' );
'^N' = ( 'insertText:', 'New Hampshire' );
which means Control-M (not Control-m) inserts Massachusetts.
You can also use 2 character sequences, like
'^s' = {
'^c' = ('insertText:', '✔');
'^x' = ('insertText:', '✘'); /* X Symbol */
'^1' = ('insertText:', '¹'); /* superscript 1 */
'^2' = ('insertText:', '²'); /* superscript 2 */
'^3' = ('insertText:', '³'); /* superscript 3 */
Then Control-s followed by Control-c enters a check mark, etc.
Yes, this also be used for commands like:
'^a' = 'deleteToBeginningOfParagraph:';
which is similar to the built-in Control-k command (delete to end of paragraph and put it in the yank buffer).
Or to move the cursor right by 7 words:
'^UF703' = (
I get endless amusement out of this kind of thing.

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